Guitar Tablature
Guitar Tab is one of the easiest forms of musical notation to learn. That’s because the basic concept is very simple.
A tab is simply the representation of the neck of the guitar. It shows the six strings laid out with the

highest-sounding string at the top:Â
In Guitar Tablature there are a series of numbers. These represent the frets of the instrument. So, for example, in the picture below you play the A string on the third fret.

You read the numbers from left to right, so in this example below, you simply play the third fret on the A string, followed by the fifth fret, and back to the third

If you see notes, one on top of the other, that means play the notes together as a chord. And to show an entire E major chord, you write

In guitar tab Rhythm is not notated precisely. To get the correct rhythm you need to listen to the original, or to somebody else playing the song and try to pick it up.
This said, guitar tab is spaced more or less in proportion to the amount of time a note lasts. So if you see two or three notes very close together, you’ll know to play them quickly. That’s It! I told you it was EASY!